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Module 3:
how to UNDERTAKE a qualitative interview

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

- Develop a qualitative interview guide.

- Understand techniques and processes employed to undertake an effective qualitative interview.

- Identify and describe creative methods used to strengthen qualitative interviews.

Be sure to check out the resources provided below the videos.

3.1 Developing a qualitative interview guide

3.2 Interview techniques and processes

3.3 Creative interview methods


The following resources will support you to undertake qualitative interviews.



Conducting research interviews. 2012. Rowley, J. Management Research Review, 2012, Vol.35 (3/4), p.260-271.


InterViews: An Introduction to Qualitative Research Interviews. 1996. Kvale, S. Sage Publications, California

Writing Interview Protocols and Conducting Interviews: Tips for Students New to the Field of Qualitative Research. 2012. Jacob, S. A., & Furgerson, S. P. The Qualitative Report, 17(2), 1-10.

Qualitative research & evaluation methods : integrating theory and practice. 2015. Patton, M. Q. Fourth edition.; Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE Publications.


Example qualitative interview guides

Capturing the experiences of patients across multiple complex interventions: a meta-qualitative approach. 2015. Webster F. et. al. BMJ Open. -2015-007664supp_AppendixA.pdf


Creative interview methods

Beyond the standard interview: the use of graphic elicitation and arts-based methods. 2009. Bagnoli, A. Qualitative Research, 9(5), 547-570.


Combining concept mapping with semi-structured interviews: adding another dimension to the research process. 2021. Striepe, M. International Journal of Research & Method in Education, 44:5, 519-532.


Using Drawings in Qualitative Interviews: An Introduction to the Practice. 2020. Brailas, A. The

Qualitative Report, 25(12), 4447-4460.

Practical guidance and ethical considerations for studies using photo-elicitation interviews. 2014. Bugos E, et. al. Preventing  Chronic Disease. 11:E189.


Walking Interviews. 2017. Kinney, P. University of Surrey.

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